For More Information
Bay Grasses

Underwater Grasses in Chesapeake Bay & Mid-Atlantic Coastal Waters is an identification guide that features color photographs, line drawings, and helpful descriptions of 16 of the most common bay grass species, along with other aquatic species you might see in the Chesapeake Bay. Produced by Maryland Sea Grant in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Chesapeake Bay Office, the Aliiance for the Chesapeake Bay, and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. You can order the guide for $29.95 from our online bookstore at

The Dead Zone

The World Resources Institute Eutrophication & Hypoxia program page

Long-Term Trends in Chesapeake Bay Seasonal Hypoxia, Stratification, and Nutrient Loading. Rebecca R. Murphy, W. Michael Kemp, William P. Ball. Estuaries and Coasts, November 2011, 34(6):1293-1309.

The Importance of Climate Variability to Wind-Driven Modulation of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay. Malcolm E Scully. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2010, 40:1435-1440. (Abstract)

Gunston Cove

The Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center at George Mason University

Spatial and seasonal patterns in water quality in an embayment-mainstem reach of the tidal freshwater Potomac River, USA: a multiyear study. R. Christian Jones, Donald P. Kelso, and Elaine Schaeffer. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment December 2008, 147(1-3):251-375.

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