[Chesapeake Quarterly masthead]
Volume 1, Number 2
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Newsletter Focuses on Research and the Bay

Cover of Healthy Chesapeake Waterways

A new publication, Healthy Chesapeake Waterways, brings together information about watershed population, land use, and how research and scientific monitoring are being applied to further our understanding of Bay processes that can be employed for resource management.

The handsome, four-color, bimonthly newsletter is produced by the Integration and Application Network (IAN), an initiative of faculty members at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. IAN_got underway in 1999 with the goal of synthesizing scientific knowledge across disciplines so that it could be used for addressing issues that are critical for management of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.

The intent of IAN is to link academics, resource managers and environmentalists together in order to inspire, manage, and produce timely syntheses and assessments on key environmental and natural resources issues.

In addition to its newsletter, IAN will undertake projects that include providing web access to GIS data, producing a software program for creating visual concept diagrams, issuing a report card on the ecosystem health of the Chesapeake and developing an eChesapeake web portal.

For a free copy of Healthy Chesapeake Waterways, contact Kirsten Frese, UMCES, by e-mail, kfrese@ca.umces.edu, or phone, 410.228.9250, x 614. For information about the IAN_network, visit the web at http://ian.umces.edu, or contact Dr. William Dennison at dennison@ca.umces.edu or 410.228.9250, x 608.

Documentary Wins Emmy

In June, the Capital Region of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded an Emmy for best long-form documentary to The Pfiesteria Files, a one-hour Maryland Sea Grant documentary directed by Michael W. Fincham. Co-produced with Maryland Public Television, the documentary examines the "Pfiesteria hysteria" that gripped much of the mid-Atlantic in 1997 during the September fish kill season. When the toxic microbe Pfiesteria was blamed for sick fish and sick people along three Maryland rivers, it kicked off political controversies, media wars among newspaper and television reporters, and an expensive science race to identify toxic blooms in the Chesapeake.

The Academy is a nonprofit professional organization serving the Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. television community. The Emmy Award is the industry's benchmark for the recognition of television excellence.

The documentary also received first place in its category from the Outdoor Writers Association of America. The award was presented in Charleston, West Virginia, also in June.

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