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Volume 3, Number 2
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New Course for Tenore

After more than 20 years of service as director of the UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Ken Tenore will step down as of September 1, 2004. Tenore, an expert in benthic ecology and coastal oceanography, will continue in his role as a professor at the lab and as a driving force behind a center he started - the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), a public-private partnership focused on developing and applying sensor technology for coastal research and monitoring.

According to UMCES president Don Boesch, "The transformation of CBL on Tenore's watch, both in terms of physical facilities and intellectual capacity, has been truly phenomenal." CBL is now recognized around the world for the excellence of its science, notes Boesch, and Tenore leaves a "solid legacy" on which to continue to build this reputation.

In addition to science and science administration, during his years at CBL Tenore has pursued an interest in the ethics of science, an area he has helped to emphasize with students - for example, through seminars conducted with Maryland Sea Grant's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Coastal Community Changes

Maryland Sea Grant bids farewell to coastal community extension specialist Rachel Smyk-Newton, who will be leaving at the end of July. In her nearly two years' time with Sea Grant, Smyk-Newton has launched Maryland's contribution to the NOAA-wide Coastal Community Initiative, aimed at implementing outreach programs to better understand the interconnectivity between the economy and the coastal environment. She has represented Maryland Sea Grant on the Coastal and Watershed Resources Advisory Committee, which serves as an advisory team to the Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program, on the Consortium for Atlantic Regional Assessment Advisory Council, and on the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Maryland) Coastal Training Program Advisory group. She has also completed Regional Shore Erosion Assessments for Dorchester and St. Mary's counties. Maryland Sea Grant Extension will be looking to hire a new coastal community extension specialist. If interested, please contact Extension Leader Doug Lipton (dlipton@arec. umd.edu) for details.

The new main page of the National Sea Grant Office website

National Sea Grant's

Earlier this month, the NOAA National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) unveiled its new website, linking the suite of Sea Grant Colleges across the United States to each other and to the nexus of activity at the Federal level.

The new site features an easily navigable array of information on Sea Grant's priority areas and initiatives, the Sea Grant College Network, funding opportunities, fellowships and more. The Request For Proposals (RFP) portal provides up-to-date information on the status and deadlines for National Strategic Initiatives (NSI) such as the Oyster Disease Research Program, the Aquatic Invasive Species Research and Outreach Program, and the Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program.

The new site illustratively highlights National Sea Grant's ten themes and three national priority areas related to the health and sustainability of coasts and coastal economies. Behind each theme area link, the site presents the "Issue" and the role of Sea Grant in addressing it in a concise and informative manner.

See for yourself at www.nsgo.seagrant.org/index.html

Maryland Sea Grant Releases Planning Survey

The Maryland Sea Grant (MDSG) program will mail out a survey in the next few weeks seeking input towards the development of a new strategic plan to guide the program over the next five years, from 2005-2010.

Government agencies, legislators and citizens are committed to taking actions that will return the Bay to a healthier status, one that supports a diverse well-functioning ecosystem, a variety of uses and multiple communties. This restoration will require strong research and outreach efforts to provide a foundation for deciding what a restored Bay will look like.

According to director Jonathan Kramer, the survey will help MDSG plan what its role should be in that restoration and help to identify critical questions it can realistically address through the research it funds. The insights provided by the survey will also help the program define priorities that will best position it to make strong contributions over the next five years.

Those who return the survey, says Kramer, will serve an invaluable role in helping the program "foster sustainable use, conservation and restoration of coastal and marine resources in Maryland, the Mid-Atlantic and the nation." If you'd like to participate in the survey, call 301.403.4220, x 10, or visit the web at www.mdsg.umd.edu.

Aquaculture in Maryland

Aquaculture Symposium, August 10-11, 2004, Radisson Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland. This symposium is aimed at bringing together faculty interested in the development of aquaculture for research, industry and restoration. Open to any faculty member at any public or private institution in Maryland and surrounding states, the meeting may be of special interest to those in the fields of biology, engineering, economics and business, and the social sciences.

On the agenda are invited speakers, who will address the current situation of the industry and ongoing aquaculture programs within the University System of Maryland (USM); representatives of member institutions who will provide overviews of their research and production facilities; and time for interactive discussions among faculty, industry and political leaders.

The Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, the University of Maryland Sea Grant College and the Maryland Department of Agriculture are sponsoring the symposium. On August 12, as a follow-up to the meeting, USM institutions operating aquaculture facilities will host a day of open-house tours. Attendees will be encouraged to visit one or more of these sites for a firsthand look at the work being done and to discuss ideas with the faculty operating them.

The registration fee for the symposium is $50, and includes conference materials and continental breakfast and lunch for both days. For more information or to register, contact Martha Milligan at the Wye Research and Education Center, by phone, 410.827. 8056, ext. 134, or e-mail, mmilliga@ umd.edu.

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