December 2017 • Volume 16, Numbers 3 & 4
Oceanographer Bill Boicourt and research assistant Tom Wazniak lower a sampling device called a ScanFish. Photograph, Michael W. Fincham
Michael W. Fincham
The last 40 years has brought a revolution in our understanding of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, and many of the scientists who created that revolution are now retiring. They arrived almost en masse in the mid-1970s and in recent years they have been finishing their careers en masse. In their time this generation — through their research and advocacy — outlined a roadmap for restoring the Chesapeake and for rebuilding and sustaining the Bay's great fisheries. Another generation now takes up the task.   more . . .
For most of the 20th century, oyster farming in Maryland was nearly impossible in most places. But when the laws changed in 2009, Don Webster was ready. The Regional Extension Specialist has spent more than 40 years readying for the moment when aquaculture could take off; every year, he trains more watermen to set oysters. Extension shellfish specialist Don Meritt has helped grow billions of spat oysters, which grow in shell beds in the Chesapeake Bay. And business specialist Matt Parker helps growers secure low-interest loans through a state program.   more . . .
splash-MicroReefs.png. Photograph, J. Adam Frederick
An educational approach called project-based learning helps students understand biodiversity by examining discs encrusted with marine life found in Baltimore Harbor.   more . . 
Flooded street in Oxford, MD. Photograph, XYZ
Planning for flooding is never fun. It is time-consuming and technical and solutions are expensive. That's why the Watershed Assistance Collaborative gathers technical and economic experts to help communities plan for coastal flooding.   more . . 
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