Maryland Sea Grant has published a comprehensive, color-illustrated guide to diseases, pathogens, and parasites that infect the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. The book includes 18 chapters and more than 100 figures and diagrams.
This book should be of much interest to both entrepreneurs who are starting oyster aquaculture businesses and resource managers restoring populations of wild oysters in the eastern United States. Oyster aquaculture in Maryland is a rapidly growing industry; already, our neighbors in Virginia have built the East Coast’s largest oyster industry on the US Atlantic Coast, the foundation of which is a disease-resistant oyster that the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) helped develop. Other states, including South Carolina, Delaware, and Massachusetts, have increased their aquaculture operations in recent years. Yet, success in oyster aquaculture and restoration relies on close attention to diseases in order to prevent or mitigate serious impacts on production and survival. The book addresses that need with detailed information on the histological presentation of diseases and parasites affecting eastern oysters, as well as diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. The first comprehensive book of its kind, it shows close-up details of disease in the oyster through its 18 chapters as well as prevalence of various parasites and viruses in the Chesapeake. The information can help growers spot disease problems before they become worse.
The book is authored by three oyster experts—Ryan Carnegie of VIMS, and Chris Dungan and Carol McCollough, both of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Maryland Sea Grant staff designed, edited, and produced the book.
To order a copy of Diseases & Parasites of the Easter Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Chesapeake Bay, visit the Maryland Sea Grant Bookstore’s page:
Soft cover, 126 pages, $34.95
18 subject chapters and more than 100 color figures and diagrams.
Maryland Sea Grant Publication